The Added Value of Simulations in 3D Virtual Worlds for Professional Training of First Aid Medical Teams

Tamar Shamir-Inbal, Talia Or-Griff, Ina Blau

פרסום מחקרי: פרק בספר / בדוח / בכנספרסום בספר כנסביקורת עמיתים


Virtual worlds are based on a virtual reality technology, which allows three-dimensional realistic situations within a digital environment. The study framework is based on the Activity Theory and the model of Serious Games. These frameworks emphasize the interrelationships between the virtual worlds’ various components, including user activity, training design, and their formal definition as Serious Games. This study examined the teaching and learning characteristics which take place in three-dimensional virtual world environments (3DVW) and focused on a training pilot for emergency medical personnel of the Israeli First Aid medical teams (IFA). Semi-structured interviews were conducted through videoconferencing with 27 volunteers and employees of the IFA who participated in 3D virtual worlds training simulations. These interviews provided an understanding of their training experience in virtual worlds in general and the various medical simulation experience in particular. The findings showed that learning effectiveness was the main added value in immersive 3D virtual worlds training. The VW simulator has the ability to make learning more efficient and results in improvement and acquisition of professional skills in medical teams with an emphasis on following medical protocols. In addition, the virtual environment can enhance motivation and enjoyment in the context of medical training. Moreover, the virtual environment enables safe practice of complex medical procedures. These findings strengthen the positive trend of 3D virtual worlds technology implementation in medical training.

שפה מקוריתאנגלית
כותר פרסום המארחResponsive and Sustainable Educational Futures - 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2023, Proceedings
עורכיםOlga Viberg, Ioana Jivet, Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino, Maria Perifanou, Tina Papathoma
מוציא לאורSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
מספר עמודים8
מסת"ב (מודפס)9783031426810
מזהי עצם דיגיטלי (DOIs)
סטטוס פרסוםפורסם - 2023
אירועProceedings of the 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, ECTEL 2023 - Aveiro, פורטוגל
משך הזמן: 4 ספט׳ 20238 ספט׳ 2023

סדרות פרסומים

שםLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
כרך14200 LNCS
ISSN (מודפס)0302-9743
ISSN (אלקטרוני)1611-3349


כנסProceedings of the 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, ECTEL 2023

הערה ביבליוגרפית

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

טביעת אצבע

להלן מוצגים תחומי המחקר של הפרסום 'The Added Value of Simulations in 3D Virtual Worlds for Professional Training of First Aid Medical Teams'. יחד הם יוצרים טביעת אצבע ייחודית.

פורמט ציטוט ביבליוגרפי