School leadership, followers’ emotional experience and self-regulation: Applying the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) approach to educational management.

Ori Eyal, Izhak Berkovich

פרסום מחקרי: פרק בספר / בדוח / בכנספרקביקורת עמיתים


Scholars have continuously noted leaders' use of emotional sway to influence, support and manipulate subordinates. Studies largely focus on uncovering the ways in which leaders influence followers' emotions and address their psychological needs. However, there is a dearth of research on this topic in educational settings, particularly regarding principal-teacher interactions and the manner in which emotional experience is embedded in these relations. This chapter highlights the ways in which principals influence teachers' emotional state. It aims to shed light on the relation between values, emotion and behavior as they play out in the hierarchical setting of the school. The chapter makes use of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) approach, which is part of the third wave in behavioral psychology, and is based on a cognitive-behavioral paradigm in which Western existential ideas converge with Buddhist teachings. The chapter begins with a review of research into interpersonal e
שפה מקוריתאנגלית
כותר פרסום המארחEmotions in learning, teaching, and leadership: Asian perspectives
עורכים Junjun Chen, Ronnel King
מוציא לאורRoutledge/Taylor & Francis Group
מספר עמודים14
מסת"ב (מודפס)9780367374020
מזהי עצם דיגיטלי (DOIs)
סטטוס פרסוםפורסם - 2021

סדרות פרסומים

שםRoutledge research in educational psychology
מוציא לאורRoutledge/Taylor & Francis Group

טביעת אצבע

להלן מוצגים תחומי המחקר של הפרסום 'School leadership, followers’ emotional experience and self-regulation: Applying the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) approach to educational management.'. יחד הם יוצרים טביעת אצבע ייחודית.

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