On the general chain pair simplification problem

Chenglin Fan, Omrit Filtser, Matthew J. Katz, Binhai Zhu

פרסום מחקרי: פרק בספר / בדוח / בכנספרסום בספר כנסביקורת עמיתים


The Chain Pair Simplification problem (CPS) was posed by Bereg et al. who were motivated by the problem of efficiently computing and visualizing the structural resemblance between a pair of protein backbones. In this problem, given two polygonal chains of lengths n and m, the goal is to simplify both of them simultaneously, so that the lengths of the resulting simplifications as well as the discrete Fréchet distance between them are bounded. When the vertices of the simplifications are arbitrary (i.e., not necessarily from the original chains), the problem is called General CPS (GCPS). In this paper we consider for the first time the complexity of GCPS under both the discrete Fréchet distance (GCPS-3F) and the Hausdorff distance (GCPS-2H). (In the former version, the quality of the two simplifications is measured by the discrete Fréchet distance, and in the latter version it is measured by the Hausdorff distance.) We prove that GCPS-3F is polynomially solvable, by presenting an eO((n+m)6 min{n,m}) time algorithm for the corresponding minimization problem. We also present an O((n + m)4) 2-approximation algorithm for the problem. On the other hand, we show that GCPS-2H is NP-complete, and present an approximation algorithm for the problem.

שפה מקוריתאנגלית
כותר פרסום המארח41st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2016
עורכיםAnca Muscholl, Piotr Faliszewski, Rolf Niedermeier
מוציא לאורSchloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing
מסת"ב (אלקטרוני)9783959770163
מזהי עצם דיגיטלי (DOIs)
סטטוס פרסוםפורסם - 1 אוג׳ 2016
פורסם באופן חיצוניכן
אירוע41st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2016 - Krakow, פולין
משך הזמן: 22 אוג׳ 201626 אוג׳ 2016

סדרות פרסומים

שםLeibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs
ISSN (מודפס)1868-8969


כנס41st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2016

הערה ביבליוגרפית

Publisher Copyright:
© Yuta Fujishige, Yuki Tsujimaru, Shunsuke Inenaga, Hideo Bannai, and Masayuki Takeda.

טביעת אצבע

להלן מוצגים תחומי המחקר של הפרסום 'On the general chain pair simplification problem'. יחד הם יוצרים טביעת אצבע ייחודית.

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