Broadband interference cancellation using a bootstrapped approach

Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Hagit Messer, Grigoriu Silvian

פרסום מחקרי: פרק בספר / בדוח / בכנספרסום בספר כנסביקורת עמיתים


In this paper we present a novel approach for rejecting a broadband interference from unknown direction when received by an array of two sensors. Two configurations of such an approach termed `bootstrapped-based algorithms' are presented. Both configurations perform perfect interference cancellation when the input signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) is large enough, and do it much faster than the common LMS interference canceler. However, additive noise causes performance degradation to both. It is shown that no general claim can be made about the superiority of one of the configurations with respect to the other. The output signal-to interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) depends on the spatial separation between the interference and the desired signal, as well as on the interference-to-noise ratio (SNR), in a different manner for both configurations. The paper provides guidelines for the choice of one or the other configuration in different scenarios.

שפה מקוריתאנגלית
כותר פרסום המארחDigital Speech Processing
מוציא לאורPubl by IEEE
מסת"ב (מודפס)0780309464
סטטוס פרסוםפורסם - 1993
פורסם באופן חיצוניכן
אירוע1993 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Minneapolis, MN, USA
משך הזמן: 27 אפר׳ 199330 אפר׳ 1993

סדרות פרסומים

שםProceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
ISSN (מודפס)0736-7791


כנס1993 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
עירMinneapolis, MN, USA

טביעת אצבע

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