A language workbench for implementing your favorite extension to AspectJ

Arik Hadas, David H. Lorenz

פרסום מחקרי: פרק בספר / בדוח / בכנספרסום בספר כנסביקורת עמיתים


Many extensions to AspectJ are proposed and prototyped. However, without a supportive language workbench the proper evaluation and production of these extensions is often prohibitively costly. We demonstrate a novel language workbench for creating such extensions, comprising AWESOME and Spoofax. The implementation of two advanced extensions to AspectJ are illustrated: explicit join points (EJPs) and closure join points (CJPs). Not only were these extensions fully implemented from scratch with reasonable effort, but also our implementations support advanced features that were omitted in the original prototypes. The demonstration will provide a hands-on overview of the process of implementing EJPs and CJPs in our workbench and how one can implement other extensions with relative ease.

שפה מקוריתאנגלית
כותר פרסום המארח14th International Conference on Modularity, MODULARITY Companion 2015 - Proceedings
מוציא לאורAssociation for Computing Machinery
מספר עמודים2
מסת"ב (אלקטרוני)9781450332835
מזהי עצם דיגיטלי (DOIs)
סטטוס פרסוםפורסם - 16 מרץ 2015
אירוע14th International Conference on Modularity, MODULARITY 2015 - Fort Collins, ארצות הברית
משך הזמן: 16 מרץ 201519 מרץ 2015

סדרות פרסומים

שםACM International Conference Proceeding Series


כנס14th International Conference on Modularity, MODULARITY 2015
מדינה/אזורארצות הברית
עירFort Collins

טביעת אצבע

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