The part of the core in thermal evolution of super-Earths

Allona Vazan, C. W. Ormel, Carsten Dominik

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Standard planet evolution models of super-Earths assume that the terrestrial part (hereafter core) is cooling
as fast as the envelope. But several works show that
core heat transport may be much slower [1]. Slow core
cooling by conduction and/or high-viscosity convection, leads to a cooling timescale of billions of years,
which overlaps with the regime of super-Earth observation data. In addition, it can become dependent on
initial conditions.
We calculate the thermal evolution of the core simultaneously with the evolution of the envelope. We
find that planet formation history and core thermal
evolution can have a substantial and long term effect
on planet radius and cannot be neglected in evolutionary calculations of super-Earth planets. We present the
contribution of this effects to the mass-radius relation
of super-Earth, and the implications on the interpretation of observation data.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes
EventEuropean Planetary Science Congress 2017
- Riga, Latvia
Duration: 17 Sep 2017 → …


ConferenceEuropean Planetary Science Congress 2017
Period17/09/17 → …
Internet address


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