The Israeli Democracy Index 2011

Tamar Hermann, Nir Atmor, Karmit Haber, Ella Heller, Dror Walter, Raphael Ventura, Yuval Lebel

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The Israeli Democracy Index 2011, the product of research conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute's Guttman Center, aims, like Indexes of previous years, to sketch a theoretical and practical portrait of opinions held by the population of Israel – as a whole and its various subgroups – regarding all that concerns preferred form of government, functioning of the political system, performance and behavior of elected officials and key democratic values. The Index also attempts to identify representations of undemocratic and anti-democratic thought and action that require attention through education and inculcation of values or – in extreme cases – enforcement. The data were gathered in March 2011 by the Dahaf Institute, headed by Dr. Mina Zemach, from a nationwide representative sample of 1,200 adult Israeli citizens (aged 18 and up).
Original languageAmerican English
PublisherIsrael Democracy Institute
Number of pages300
StatePublished - 2011

Publication series

NameThe Israeli Democracy Index
PublisherIsrael Democracy Institute


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