Spherical structures in conformal gravity and its scalar-tensor extension

Y. Brihaye, Y. Verbin

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We study spherically symmetric structures in conformal gravity and in a scalar-tensor extension and gain some more insight about these gravitational theories. In both cases we analyze solutions in two systems: perfect fluid solutions and boson stars of a self-interacting complex scalar field. In the purely tensorial (original) theory we find in a certain domain of parameter space finite mass solutions with a linear gravitational potential but without a Newtonian contribution. The scalar-tensor theory exhibits a very rich structure of solutions whose main properties are discussed. Among them, solutions with a finite radial extension, open solutions with a linear potential and logarithmic modifications and also a (scalar-tensor) gravitational soliton. This may also be viewed as a static self-gravitating boson star in purely tensorial conformal gravity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number124048
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number12
StatePublished - 30 Dec 2009


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