Evolving Consumption Patterns of Various Information Media via Handheld Mobile Devices

Ruti Gafni, Nitza Geri

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study examines diverse information media in order to identify those formats that are most suitable for consumption via handheld mobile devices, namely, smartphones and tablets. The preferences of the users are measured objectively by analyzing actual data of their relative use of handheld mobile devices and personal computing (PC) desktop devices, including laptops and notebooks, for consumption of information presented in various formats. Our findings are based on Google Analytics pageview data of five course Websites during a period of three semesters, by 11,557 undergraduate students. M-learning contexts were chosen, since in a learning environment the interests of information providers (i.e., the instructors) are in accord with those of the information consumers (i.e., the students), whereas in commercial settings there may be conflicts of interests. Our findings demonstrate that although about 90% of the pageviews were via PC devices, the rate of smartphone use for consuming learning content in diverse information media is gradually increasing as time goes by, whereas the rate of tablet use for these purposes is stagnant. The most promising direction for smartphone development, emanating from the findings, is online video content.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)83-93
Number of pages11
JournalIssues in informing science & information technology
StatePublished - 2015


  • mobile applications acceptance, information format, information media, instructional media, mobile learning (m-learning), diffusion of innovation, human computer interaction


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