Detailed biostratigraphy of the Santoniad - Campanian boundary interval in Northern Israel

A. Almogi-Labin, Y. Eshet, A. Flexer, A. Honigstein, S. Moshkovitz, A. Rosenfeld

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


One of the best continuous and fossiliferous Late Santonian-Early Campanian successions in Israel is the approximately 6m thick Kabri section in northern Israel. Its chalky mark were deposited in an outer shelf to upper slope environment with minor depth fluctuations. This Santonian/Campanian interval was studied examining calcareous nannoplankton, palynomorphs, ostracods and benthonic and planktonic foraminifera. The planktonic foraminiferal Dirurinrllu usyrnrtricu - Glohoti.unc,unitu rlriwtu concurrent range zone was first observed in Israel in the Kabri section. The first occurrence of Aspidolithus purcus purcus herein is characterized by small specimens, difficult to determine by light microscopy. The lower boundary of the Campanian in this sequence was defined by the first occurrence of G. rlri~utui,n accordance with the ammonite stage definition. This datum line nearly coincides with the first occurrence of the nannofosail marker A . puri'us parrus and with the base of the Lr,yurninoc,ythrrris tforsocostutu (S-4) ostracod ~oiieb. oth slightly above the foraminiferal boundary.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-50
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Micropalaeontology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Aug 1991
Externally publishedYes


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