Corrigendum to “The interpersonal effects of emotion intensity in customer service: Perceived appropriateness and authenticity of attendants' emotional displays shape customer trust and satisfaction” (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2018) 144 (97–111), (S0749597815301217), (10.1016/j.obhdp.2017.10.002))

Arik Cheshin, Adi Amit, Gerben A. van Kleef

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The authors identified ‘an error in the means plotted above the bars for “Appropriateness” in Fig. 3. The mistake has now been corrected. The correction does not affect the outcomes of the statistical analyses or the conclusions of the study in any way.’ [Figure presented] The authors would like to apologise for any confusion caused.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)190
Number of pages1
JournalOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
StatePublished - Jan 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Elsevier Inc.


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