Analyzing the discourse of Chais Conferences for the study of innovation and learning technologies via a data-driven approach

Vered Silber-Varod, Yoram Eshet, Nitza Geri

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The current rapid technological changes confront researchers of learning technologies with the challenge of evaluating them, predicting trends, and improving their adoption and diffusion. This study utilizes a data-driven discourse analysis approach, namely culturomics, to investigate changes over time in the research of learning technologies. The patterns and changes were examined on a corpus of articles published over the past decade (2006-2014) in the proceedings of Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies – the leading research conference on learning technologies in Israel. The interesting findings of the exhaustive process of analyzing all the words in the corpus were that the most commonly used terms (e.g., pupil, teacher, student) and the most commonly used phrases (e.g., face-to-face) in the field of learning technologies reflect a pedagogical rather than a technological aspect of learning technologies. The study also demonstrates two cases of change over time in prominent themes, such as “Facebook” and “the National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) program”. Methodologically, this research demonstrates the effectiveness of a data-driven approach for identifying discourse trends over time.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)297-313
Number of pages17
JournalInterdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Life Long Learning
StatePublished - 2016


  • Mapping topics in the domain of learning technologies, academic discourse of learning technologies, culturomics, quantitative text analysis, data-driven discourse analysis, word frequency analysis


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