Microbial exposure during early human development primes fetal immune cells

Archita Mishra, Ghee Chuan Lai, Leong Jing Yao, Thet Tun Aung, Noam Shental, Aviva Rotter-Maskowitz, Edwin Shepherdson, Gurmit Singh Naranjan Singh, Rhea Pai, Adhika Shanti, Regina Men Men Wong, Andrea Lee, Costerwell Khyriem, Charles Antoine Dutertre, Svetoslav Chakarov, K. G. Srinivasan, Nurhidaya Binte Shadan, Xiao Meng Zhang, Shabnam Khalilnezhad, Fabien CottierAlrina Shin Min Tan, Gillian Low, Phyllis Chen, Yiping Fan, Pei Xiang Hor, Avery Khoo May Lee, Mahesh Choolani, David Vermijlen, Ankur Sharma, Garold Fuks, Ravid Straussman, Norman Pavelka, Benoit Malleret, Naomi McGovern, Salvatore Albani, Jerry Kok Yen Chan, Florent Ginhoux

نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلةمقالةمراجعة النظراء


The human fetal immune system begins to develop early during gestation; however, factors responsible for fetal immune-priming remain elusive. We explored potential exposure to microbial agents in utero and their contribution toward activation of memory T cells in fetal tissues. We profiled microbes across fetal organs using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and detected low but consistent microbial signal in fetal gut, skin, placenta, and lungs in the 2nd trimester of gestation. We identified several live bacterial strains including Staphylococcus and Lactobacillus in fetal tissues, which induced in vitro activation of memory T cells in fetal mesenteric lymph node, supporting the role of microbial exposure in fetal immune-priming. Finally, using SEM and RNA-ISH, we visualized discrete localization of bacteria-like structures and eubacterial-RNA within 14th weeks fetal gut lumen. These findings indicate selective presence of live microbes in fetal organs during the 2nd trimester of gestation and have broader implications toward the establishment of immune competency and priming before birth.

اللغة الأصليةالإنجليزيّة
الصفحات (من إلى)3394-3409.e20
مستوى الصوت184
رقم الإصدار13
المعرِّفات الرقمية للأشياء
حالة النشرنُشِر - 24 يونيو 2021

ملاحظة ببليوغرافية

Funding Information:
We thank Dr. Catherine Donner (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hôpital Erasme, University Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Bruxelles, Belgium) for helping with the precious fetal blood samples. We also thank the Electron Microscopy Unit, National University of Singapore, particularly Tan Suat Hoon and Lu Thong Beng. We thank all the members of the Ginhoux laboratory for helpful discussions. Flow cytometry and cell sorting, CyTOF, microscopy, and RNA library preparation were carried out on SIgN platforms established by the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A ∗ STAR) Singapore. SIgN platforms are supported by a BMRC grant ( IAF311006 ) and BMRC transition funds ( H16/99/b0/011 ). F.G. is supported by EMBO YIP , Singapore Immunology Network core funding (A ∗ STAR), and a Singapore NRF Senior Investigatorship ( NRFI2017-02 ). S.A. is supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore under its NMRC Centre Grant Programme ( NMRC/CG/M003/2017 ) and administered by the Singapore Ministry of Health’s National Medical Research Council. This study received other grant support from NMRC ( NMRC/TA/0059/201 , NMRC/MOHIAFCAT2/005/2015 , NMRC/TCR/0015-NCC/2016 , NMRC/OFLCG/002/2018 , MH095:003\016-0002 , MH095:003\016-001 , NMRC/STaR19nov-0002 , and CIRG19may0052 ), Duke-NUS , Singhealth AMC , and core funding. J.K.Y.C. is supported by NMRC ( CIRG/1484/2018 and NMRC CSA (SI)/008/2016 ). N.M is funded by the Wellcome Trust and Royal Society ( 204464/Z/16/Z ) and BMRC YIG ( 1618251041 ). A.M. is supported by HFSP LTF postdoctoral fellowship, 2019 ( LT000363/2019-L ). T.T.A. is supported by NUSMed postdoctoral fellowship ( NUHSRO/2019/046/PDF/19 ). B.M. was funded by NUHS start-up grant ( NUHSRO/2018/006/SU/01 ) and core funds from SIgN/A ∗ STAR .

Funding Information:
We thank Dr. Catherine Donner (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, H?pital Erasme, University Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Bruxelles, Belgium) for helping with the precious fetal blood samples. We also thank the Electron Microscopy Unit, National University of Singapore, particularly Tan Suat Hoon and Lu Thong Beng. We thank all the members of the Ginhoux laboratory for helpful discussions. Flow cytometry and cell sorting, CyTOF, microscopy, and RNA library preparation were carried out on SIgN platforms established by the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A?STAR) Singapore. SIgN platforms are supported by a BMRC grant (IAF311006) and BMRC transition funds (H16/99/b0/011). F.G. is supported by EMBO YIP, Singapore Immunology Network core funding (A?STAR), and a Singapore NRF Senior Investigatorship (NRFI2017-02). S.A. is supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore under its NMRC Centre Grant Programme (NMRC/CG/M003/2017) and administered by the Singapore Ministry of Health's National Medical Research Council. This study received other grant support from NMRC (NMRC/TA/0059/201, NMRC/MOHIAFCAT2/005/2015, NMRC/TCR/0015-NCC/2016, NMRC/OFLCG/002/2018, MH095:003\016-0002, MH095:003\016-001, NMRC/STaR19nov-0002, and CIRG19may0052), Duke-NUS, Singhealth AMC, and core funding. J.K.Y.C. is supported by NMRC (CIRG/1484/2018 and NMRC CSA (SI)/008/2016). N.M is funded by the Wellcome Trust and Royal Society (204464/Z/16/Z) and BMRC YIG (1618251041). A.M. is supported by HFSP LTF postdoctoral fellowship, 2019 (LT000363/2019-L). T.T.A. is supported by NUSMed postdoctoral fellowship (NUHSRO/2019/046/PDF/19). B.M. was funded by NUHS start-up grant (NUHSRO/2018/006/SU/01) and core funds from SIgN/A?STAR. Conceptualization, A.M. G.C.L. N.M. S.A. J.K.Y.C. and F.G.; methodology, A.M. G.C.L. N.M. S.A. J.K.Y.C. and F.G.; investigation, A.M. G.C.L. L.J.Y. N.M. S.A. J.K.Y.C. and F.G.; formal analysis, A.M. G.C.L. L.J.Y. B.M. N.M. and F.G.; data curation, A.M. G.C.L. L.J.Y. T.T.A. R.P. A. Shanti, and N.M.; writing, A.M. G.C.L. L.J.Y. N.M. S.A. J.K.Y.C. and F.G.; visualization, A.M. G.C.L. L.J.Y. B.M. N.M. and F.G.; resources, N.S. A.R.-M. E.S. G.S.N.S. R.P. A. Sharma, R.M.M.W. A.L. C.K. C.A.D. S.C. K.G.S, N.B.S. X.-M.Z. S.K. F.C. A.S.M.T. G.L. P.C. Y.F. P.X.H. A.K.M.L. M.C. D.V. A. Sharma, G.F. R.S. N.P. and B.M.; funding acquisition, A.M. N.M. S.A. J.K.Y.C. and F.G.; supervision, S.A. J.K.Y.C. and F.G. The authors declare no competing interests.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021


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